Materials & Equipment in Springfield,PA Questions? Call Us: (610) 544-2586

About Us

about-imgThe Galantino Family has owned and operated its yard, located on Old Marple Road in Media, since 1947. In those 67 years four generations of the family have worked together.

The Supply company has grown from one building, which housed the office, the company machinery and the materials and equipment for sale, to its present yard, showroom and office complex.

A visit to the Showroom/Yard not only offers an array of masonry, building and landscaping materials for sale, but the opportunity to view material installations and discuss the possibilities, the “how to’s”, and the “how not to’s” for homeowner and craftsman alike.

Today, three generations of the Galantino Family are proud to serve the tri-state area with a list of available products from A to Z.

50th Anniversary logo

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